
Dr. Blythe (Chad) Deckman: Founder, VP Research & Development

Dr. Blythe (Chad) Deckman has over 20 years of experience developing RF, microwave, and millimeter-wave products, and is a co-founder of Mission Microwave Technologies. He was previously Vice President of Engineering and a Founder of Wavestream Corporation, where he advanced a new core spatial power combining technology from research concept to high-reliability, high-volume production. His 38 GHz, 5-watt single chip Grid Amplifier still holds the record for the highest output power from a single chip at that frequency. Prior to co-founding Wavestream, Dr. Deckman was an engineer at Agilent, developing leading-edge test equipment. He received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), and the B.S. degree from the California State Polytechnic University.