2021 Year in Review – Mission Microwave Highlighted in SatMagazine

Mission Microwave Announces Award/Design-Win for Integrated Tactical Transceivers
August 31, 2021
Mission Microwave and AST Microwave Team to offer Redundant SSPA Systems for Teleports and Gateways
January 13, 2022
Mission Microwave Announces Award/Design-Win for Integrated Tactical Transceivers
August 31, 2021
Mission Microwave and AST Microwave Team to offer Redundant SSPA Systems for Teleports and Gateways
January 13, 2022

Mission Microwave Highlighted in SatMagazine Year in Review Issue (click to open PDF file in a new window)

Mission Microwave’s customers started 2021 eager to meet the challenges offered by a market dealing with the on-going effects of the global pandemic. The company’s customers continue to rely on Mission for on-time and in-spec delivery of innovative X-, Ku-, and Ka-band Block Upconverters (BUCs) for tactical and high performance SATCOM terminals and gateways. 

Click here to see the entire Year in Review issue from SatMagazine.