
Ka-Band 20 watt Cube BUC
March 9, 2021
Ka-Band 25 watt Stinger BUC
March 9, 2021

Ku-Band 200 watt Linear MOAB BUC

Ideal for TWTA replacement and for multi-carrier terminals and gateways.  The small size and weight  of this high-power BUC allows for a  redundant system to be mounted on the boom arm of transportable and  vehicular mounted terminals. The energy efficiency, thermal performance and compact design make it a valuable upgrade for high capacity maritime terminals.

  • Model: MOAB-Ku-200 watt Linear (Equivalent to 400 watt Psat)
  • Transmit Band: Ku
  • Frequency (GHz): 13.75-14.5 (also 14.0-14.5 GHz)
  • Rated Power: 56 dBm / 400 watt
  • Linear Power (two tone intermodulation): 53 dBm / 200 watt
  • M&C: Ethernet via Mission GUI or SNMP V3, Serial
  • Status: Production
  • Configuration Options: M&C Interface, Color


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