
X-Band 80 watt Stinger BUC
March 9, 2021
Ku-Band 25 watt Flatpack BUC
March 9, 2021

Ku-Band 25 watt Thin-Line Cube BUC

The 25 watt Ku-Band Thin-Line Cube BUC provides 16 watts of linear power in a compact 2.0 lb package often suitable for direct mounting on the feed or OMT input port. It is ideal for  design of fly-away terminals,  compact terminals and as an easy to implement upgrade to existing terminals .  The RF performance of the Ku-Band Cube is similar to the Ku-Band Flatpack BUC and the rugged design and high reliability of this BUC make it an obvious choice for mission critical VSATs and SATCOM terminals. The Ku-Band Cube can be powered via a single M&C/DC-Power connector.   The Ku-Band Cube is widely deployed on a variety of commercial and government programs.

  • Model: Cube-Ku-25
  • Transmit Band: Ku-Extended Band
  • Frequency (GHz): 13.75-14.5 standard (also available as 14.0-14.5 GHz)
  • Rated Power: 44 dBm / 25 watt
  • Linear Power (single carrier spectral regrowth): 42 dBm / 16 watt
  • Linear Power (two tone intermodulation): 41 dBm / 12.6 watt
  • M&C: Ethernet via Mission GUI or SNMP V3, Serial RS-485 or RS-232
  • Status: Production
  • Configuration Options: M&C Interface, Color, Keyline
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