
X-Band 100 watt Stinger BUC
April 7, 2021
Ka-Band 100 watt Wideband Javelin BUC
June 9, 2021

Ka-Band 400 watt MOAB SSPA

The 400W Wideband MOAB Ka-Band Solid State Power Amplifier is the industry’s most compact & lightweight 400W solid state power amplifier. Mission Microwave’s proprietary power combining technology and thorough system optimization have produced a rugged 55 lb amplifier that mounts directly on the antenna structure, eliminating excess losses to the feed.

The revolutionary design features a compact form factor which will be a drop-in replacement for the most popular TWTAs. Improved cooling equates to higher reliability, even in the most demanding of applications and extreme environments (-40°C to+60°C). The SSPA’s stellar performance offers the highest useable output power for the lowest power consumption of any amplifier in its class.

  • Model: MOAB-Ka-400 SSPA
  • Transmit Band: Ka
  • Transmit Frequency: 27.5-30.0 GHz (other frequency ranges available)
  • Rated Power: 400 watt
  • Linear Power (single carrier spectral regrowth): 56.2dBm / 417 watt
  • Linear Power (two tone intermodulation): 53.2 dBm / 209 watt
  • Linear Power (-19dB NPR): 52.2 dBm / 166 watt
  • M&C: Ethernet via Mission GUI or SNMP V3, Serial
  • Status: LRIP
  • Configuration Options: M&C Interface, ALC, available in BUC configurations
Compare to other amplifiers in this class.
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